1998 Summer REU Program:
Research in Theoretical Astrophysics
Grant Palmquist * Mike Raley * Chris Hinkle
Rosemary Stallings * Dipu Rahman * Rukshan Jayatilake
Chris Hinkle
Supernovae Remnants in 3D
Rukshan Jayatilake
Simulation of Non-axisymmetric Wind Acretion in Three Dimension(3-D)
Grant Palmquist
Time Signatures of Mass Accretion onto Neutron Stars or Black Holes in Close Binary Systems
Dipu Rahman
Stripping of Charged Particle in Interstellar Medium
Mike Raley
Neutrino Driven Convection in Supernovae Explosions
Rosemary Stallings
Supernovae Explosions and Neutrino Driven Convection