Evolution of Cold Shock-Bounded Slabs:
The Nonlinear Thin-Shell Instability

John M. Blondin
Brian S. Marks
Department of Physics,
North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC 27695-8202
The stability and evolution of cold, shock-bounded slabs is studied
using numerical hydrodynamic simulations. We confirm the analysis of
Vishniac, who showed that such slabs are unstable if they
are perturbed by a displacement larger than their width. The growth
rate of this nonlinear thin shell instability (NTSI) is found to
increase with decreasing wavelength, in qualitative agreement with
Vishniac's analysis. The NTSI saturates when the bending angle becomes
large and the growth in the width of the slab pinches off the
perturbation. After saturation, the slab remains greatly extended with
an average density much less than the original slab density, supported
primarily by supersonic turbulence within the slab. Linear
perturbations are also found to be unstable in that they can lead to
turbulent flow within the slab, although this response to linear
perturbations is distinct from, and much less violent than the NTSI.
Download Files:
ntsi.tar.Z compressed tar file of tex file and eps files.
ntsi.ps.Z compressed postscript file of paper submitted to
New Astronomy.
Mpeg files of animations:
gif and eps files of figures:
- figure1.gif : figure1.eps
- figure2.gif : figure2.eps
- figure3.gif : figure3.eps
- figure4.gif : figure4.eps
- figure5.gif : figure5.eps
- figure6.gif : figure6.eps
- figure7.gif : figure7.eps
- figure8.gif : figure8.eps
- figure9.gif : figure9.eps
- figure10.gif : figure10.eps
- figure11.gif : figure11.eps