Ann Hornschemeier - REU Student from Drake

Ann E. Hornschemeier

Program: Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Major: Physics
Minor: Mathematics and Astronomy
School: Drake University, Des Moines

My origins:

I am from Drake University, in Des Moines, Iowa. Please check out the home page at

REU experience in NCSU Astrophysics:

This summer I did a myriad of different things. I worked for Dr. Stephen Reynolds on a theoretical project involving synchrotron radiation from supernova remnants. I'll describe a bit of what I did here, but if you want more details, you can email me at . I'm a junior this fall, and will be pretty busy, but I'd be happy to answer any questions about what an REU in Astrophysics at NCSU is like.

Computers/Software installation:

I installed (with the help of Kristy Dyer and many people at Harvard) the latest version of PROS, (Post-Reduction Off-line Software), which operates under IRAF (Image Reduction and Analysis Facility). Astrophysics is different from the other departments in that this is an extremely computer-intensive department.

My research this summer:

G11.2-0.3, ROSAT PSPC image

3c397, ROSAT PSPC, from SAOimage (PROS)

I worked with many supernova remnants this summer, 3c397 and G11.2-0.3 are just two of them. The others were Kepler, Tycho, W49B, and G27.4+0.0. If you would like to read more about this, please check out the abstract from my talk. Basically, my project was a theoretical one, but I did need data with which to compare the computer models that I made. I obtained data through HEASARC (High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center). I have made a guide to HEASARC, if you are interested in logging in and seeing what it's about.

Other cool career opportunities:

I received the wonderful chance to be the van driver for the introductory astronomy labs. By day, I did research, and then for about 3.5 weeks, I was a van driver by night on Mondays and Wednesdays!

Favorite aspects of NCSU and Raleigh:

The arboreteum, art museum, and coffee shops are cool. Specifically, The Third Place is a good coffee shop, as well as Peaberry's (on Hillsoborough Street, right on campus.)